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Chris Mooney: The science has been coming in saying that global warming is really human-caused and keeps getting stronger scientifically.


You are listening to Chris Mooney, journalist and author of the 2009 book, Unscientific America. Mooney spoke about the reasons behind what he calls American inaction on climate change.


Chris Mooney: So it's a problem of politics plus the media leading to our inability to function on this issue. It's because we're a divided country and we handle science issues according to, you know, politicization and divisiveness, rather than according to what the science actually says.


Mooney pointed to the decline of print media, and the rise of political blogs. He believes good communication of science may now rest with scientists, themselves.


Chris Mooney: So the scientific community is going to have to find new ways of getting that information out. It may be the case that we cannot, you know, get society to act on the best scientific knowledge that we have. And that will be catastrophic.


He said that scientists have learned a powerful lesson about the need to communicate what they know with the public.


Chris Mooney: Well, I think the scientific community is ready to change -in a fundamental way –in terms of how it engages with public. And that does mean that, you know, one key part of the equation is, I think, going to be functioning much better. And hopefully that will create a more scientific America, slowly.
