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Lane Wood : Before the earthquake, a third of Haiti didn’t have access to clean water.


You are listening to Lane Wood of the New York-based organization charity:water. He said that getting access to clean water has grown even more difficult for Haitians since an earthquake struck the Caribbean nation in January of 2010. Wood said it destroyed the infrastructure of Haiti’s capital city, Port Au Prince.


Lane Wood: There are over a million people that have been displaced. And what they do is fleeing from the urban area, Port Au Prince, into these rural areas outside of the city and finding themselves in areas that don’t have clean water.


Haiti’s rural areas, he said, mostly rely on water from polluted mountain streams. He talked about the health impact.


Lane Wood: So, we know that 80 percent of all disease is caused by lack of basic sanitation and lack of clean water.


That’s according to the World Health Organization. Wood said that charity:water is trying to build what it calls long-term water solutions for eleven rural areas in Haiti which will bring clean water directly to villages. Wood pointed out that the lack of clean water is a problem not only in Haiti, but around the world.


Lane Wood: There are almost a billion people on the planet that don’t have access to clean water. That’s one in eight of us.
