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Just want to start by asking you about the plan for growth. 'Coz one of that numbers, there is many ambitious numbers here, is talking about doubling revenues to 200 billion dollars for Coke in the next 10 years. How much of that growth is going to come from the emerging markets like China?

I think that clearly there is no question and that China is a very ,will be a very important part of the growth, but we intend to grow into all parts of the world, both in the developed markets of the world as well as the emerging markets of the world. And inside the emerging markets of the world, China is clearly no question a great growth prospect for us going forward as it has been over the past five, six years.

Okay, great growth prospect in China no doubt many other parts of the emerging world, just before we going to that a little bit more deeply, I wanna ask you about your home market, Where it all began, the United States. What is your expectations for growth in a market which obviously is mature and where people are becoming more health conscious. What do you expect the growth number to look like over the next 10 years?

We, in the United States our bottling partner CC and we have announced the bold decision to make our business in North America stronger as well as make our business in the continent of Europe where CC is also a bottler stronger, so for us there is definitely prospects of growth in the United States. We know that our brands are very healthy. We know that we need to improve our structure in the United States and we will be embarking upon that task once a transaction is closed in October that we have announced about a month ago with Coca-Cola enterprises. We will be embarking upon that task to make our structure stronger, to put our healthy brands through that structure and generate the growth that we know we can get for our brands in the United States and Canada. And there is no question the demographics of the United States, the market of the United States which is very dynamic, known our colleague as ready-to-drink market does offer this prospects of growth we know we can get.

One of the issues that has dogged Coke in at least one of the emerging markets, I'm talking about India, is the use of water in India. Now as you expand in China, how do you allay fears of local people that Coke may start consuming too much water, because obviously it is already a precious commodity in many parts of China.

Well, I think thank you for asking that question, because one of the very important objectives that we have set goals, that we have set for ourselves at globally for 2020 as part of our 2020 vision, and road map for winning together with our bottling partners across the world, is to become water neutral on a global basis, and I think this is a very bold ambition, but we have set that ambition, set that goal for ourselves for 2020.On a global basis for every liter of water that we use, we will generate and give back that one liter of water one for one. So that is our global goal, we will do that through reducing our water in our plants that we operate around the world, through recycling the water what before we give it back to the municipalities, and the communities and also thirdly through replenishing by creating water-harvesting projects of which we have many across many of our markets around the world, be it in India, be it other part of Asia as well as China. In China for example, because I am here and you also asked a question in relation to China, we have been able to in the last 5 years increase our water efficiency in China by 35%, a full 35%. That means that reducing our water per litter use by 35% ,so you can see that we are very excited with all the activities that we have in this area towards our that great goal of becoming water neutral by 2020 .