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The United States fully backs South Korea’s findings that a North Korean submarine fired a torpedo which sunk a South Korean Navy ship, killing 46 sailors in March. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates:

“We certainly support the findings of the Korean -- the South Korean investigation. We obviously are in close consultation with the Koreans. The attack was against one of their ships and we will, naturally they would have the lead in determining the path forward.”

North Korea has denied it was responsible, accusing the South of using the incident for political gain and to worsen already chilly ties between the two Koreas.

China, North Korea’s only major ally, has called for restraint on both sides. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu:

"China has noted South Korea’s official report on the incident. We advocate that both sides should remain cool and exercise restraint and resolve the issue properly without further escalating the situation.”

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit Seoul next week, and what analysts see is a show of solidarity with the longtime ally.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.