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Aaron Kowalski: Once you think the epidemic of diabetes in the United States, you know upwards of 30 million people with diabetes, upwards of 3 million people with type 1 diabetes. It’s a huge problem.


You are listening to Aaron Kowalski, of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in the U.S... He is working to develop an artificial pancreas. People with type 1 diabetes don’t have a normal functioning pancreas to regulate blood sugar levels with insulin.


Aaron Kowalski: Ideally, what we’re trying to do is replicate what the pancreas does. Beta cells in the pancreas sense glucose levels, they sense the glucose levels changing and they secrete the right amount of insulin at the right time.


Kowalski said the artificial pancreas works with a cell-phone sized insulin pump – a small patch on the skin that continuously monitors glucose levels – and computer software that communicates glucose levels to the insulin pump.


Aaron Kowalski: Obviously when you’re sleeping, it’s very difficult to monitor, if not impossible, your glucose levels. So we think if you have a machine doing it, it could restore much better glucose control, reduce the risk for those complications.


Kowalski said most people don’t realize the burden of daily diabetes management.


Aaron Kowalski: Managing diabetes can be just a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week grind that’s hard on people and their families. He says these technologies bode well for making people with diabetes healthier and making their lives easier.
