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Steffanie Strathdee is trying to stop the spread of HIV along the U.S.-Mexico border, and prevent epidemics in both countries. Strathdee is an associate dean of Global Health Sciences at the University of California San Diego. She’s been studying injection drug users in Tijuana, Mexico. It’s the busiest border crossing in the world, and one with increasing rates of HIV infection.


Steffanie Strathdee: HIV is socially produced. We shouldn’t be putting the blame on individuals for engaging in high-risk behaviors.


Strathdee said the major finding of her study was that male drug users who had been deported from the U.S. were at four times greater risk than other male drug users of contracting HIV.


Steffanie Strathdee:They may feel that they are separated and isolated from their family, and may be more likely to see a sex worker for example, because they haven’t seen their wife for many years. And then they return home and then they end up infecting their wives.


To prevent disease, Strathdee is an advocate of methods like drug treatment, smart policing, sex education and needle exchange programs.


Strathdee: If you provide somebody with a sterile syringe, that costs 10 cents, but that could prevent that person from becoming infected with HIV, and so it’s a question of whether people wannna pay now or pay later, because this is an incredible burden on the health care system.
