With all the legitimate concerns about AIDS and avian flu -- and we'll hear about that from the brilliant Dr. Brilliant later today -- I want to talk about the other pandemic, which is cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension -- all of which are completely preventable for at least 95 percent of people, just by changing diet and lifestyle.
虽然所有对于爱滋病和禽流感的担心都是合理的-今天稍晚,我们都将会听到优秀的 Brilliant 医师的演说-我想要谈谈另一个大流行,那就是心血管疾病、糖尿病、高血压-95% 以上这些疾病的患者完全是可以预防的,只要改变饮食习惯与生活作息。
And what's happening is that there's a globalization of illness occurring, that people are starting to eat like us, and live like us, and die like us. And in one generation, for example, Asia's gone from having one of the lowest rates of heart disease, and obesity, and diabetes to one of the highest. And in Africa, cardiovascular disease equals the HIV and AIDS deaths in most countries. So there's a critical window of opportunity we have to make an important difference that can affect the lives of literally millions of people, and practice preventive medicine on a global scale.
一种疾病全球化的现象正在发生,人们开始 以我们的方式饮食、生活,也以与我们相同的方式死亡。举例来说,才短短一个世代,亚洲人罹患心脏病、肥胖与糖尿病的机率便已经 从最低族群爬升到领先族群之一。 在非洲,多数国家因为心血管疾病而死亡的人数 等同于因为爱滋病毒而罹患爱滋病的死亡人数。 因此现在是个关键的时刻,我们必须做出重要的改变,这个改变将能够影响上百万人的生命,那就是以全球性的规模,来实施预行医学制度。那就是以全球性的规模,来实施预行医学制度。

Heart and blood vessel diseases still kill more people -- not only in this country, but also worldwide -- than everything else combined, and yet it's completely preventable for almost everybody. It's not only preventable, it's actually reversible. And for the last almost 29 years, we've been able to show that by simply changing diet and lifestyle, using these very high-tech, expensive, state-of-the-art measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be like. Quantitative arteriography, before and after a year, and cardiac PET scans.
心血管疾病导致的死亡人数 - 不仅仅是在这个国家而已,全世界皆然 - 比其他所有疾病加起来还高,但是对个人来说,它几乎是可以完全被预防的。不但可以被预防,事实上 还能反转疾病进程。在过去将近 29 年中, 我们已经能够证明只要改变饮食和生活作息, 我们使用这些高科技、昂贵的、最前卫的方法来证明 这些非常简单、原始、低成本的治疗方法的 强大威力。定量动脉造影术,一年前后,还有心藏正子扫描。
We showed a few months ago -- we published the first study showing you can actually stop or reverse the progression of prostate cancer by making changes in diet and lifestyle, and 70 percent regression in the tumor growth, or inhibition of the tumor growth, compared to only 9 percent in the control group. And in the MRI and MR spectroscopy here, the prostate tumor activity is shown in red -- you can see it diminishing after a year.
数个月前,我们证明 - 我们发表了首篇 研究显示,你能够停止或是反转摄护腺癌的进程,单单藉由改变饮食及生活习惯,70% 的肿瘤缩小或是生长停止,相对之下,控制组只有9%。 相对之下,控制组只有9%。在这边的磁共振造影与光谱分析中,摄护腺肿瘤的活动以红色显示,你可以看到它在一年之后,显著的减少。
Now there is an epidemic of obesity. Two-thirds of adults and 15 percent of kids. What's really concerning to me is that diabetes has increased 70 percent in the past 10 years, and this may be the first generation in which our kids live a shorter life span than we do. That's pitiful, and it's preventable. Now these are not election returns, these are the people -- the number of the people who are obese by state, beginning in '85, '86, '87 -- these are from the CDC website -- '88, '89, '90, '91 -- you get a new category -- '92, '93, '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000, 2001 -- it gets worse. We're kind of devolving.
肥胖问题在今日非常的流行。三分之二的成人与15% 的孩童有肥胖问题。我真正担心的是 在过去十年中,糖尿病患者增加了70%,而且这个世代将有可能成为第一个后代寿命比我们这一代短的世代。这真可怜,这是可以被防范的。这真可怜,这是可以被防范的。这些不是选举结果报告,这些是 各州肥胖人口数统计, 从 85, 86, 87 年开始,这个资料取自美国疾病管制暨预防中心网站 - 88, 89, 90 - 一个新的分类被制定 - 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 2001 - 愈来愈糟。我们一直在退化。
Now what can we do about this? Well, you know, the diet that we've found that can reverse heart disease and cancer is an Asian diet. But the people in Asia are starting to eat like we are, which is why they're starting to get sick like we are. So I've been working with a lot of the big food companies. They can make it fun and sexy and hip and crunchy and convenient to eat healthier foods, like -- I chair the advisory boards to McDonald's, and PepsiCo, and ConAgra, and Safeway, and soon Del Monte, and they're finding that it's good business. The salads that you see at McDonald's came from the work -- they're going to have an Asian salad. At Pepsi, two-thirds of their revenue growth came from their better foods.
我们该怎么办?这么嘛,你知道,我们发现亚洲饮食可以反转心脏疾病和癌症的产生。亚洲饮食可以反转心脏疾病和癌症的产生。 但是亚洲人的饮食开始与我们愈来愈接近,这也是为什么,他们开始会罹患跟我们一样的疾病。这也是为什么,他们开始会罹患跟我们一样的疾病。我尝试跟许多食品大厂合作。 他们让吃健康食物这件事,变得有趣、性感、流行、有口感又方便,例如:我担任麦当劳谘询董事会的主席,还有百事可乐、康尼格拉食品、Safeway 超市、台尔蒙食品也即将加入,他们发现这个市场商机很大。麦当劳的沙拉就是我们的成果, 他们将要销售亚洲式沙拉。在百事可乐公司,三分之二的营收成长来自于他们更健康的产品。
And so if we can do that, then we can free up resources for buying drugs that you really do need for treating AIDS and HIV and malaria and for preventing avian flu. Thank you.
而且如果我们可以持续这么做,我们将能节省购买药品的资源,这样你就能去购买例如 爱滋病、疟疾或是禽流感等等,你真正需要的药物。谢谢各位。
avian flu: 禽流感。又称"bird flu",或者"AI(avian influenza)"。
state-of-the-art: (科技、机电等产品)最先进的,最高级的。例如:state-of-the-art technology(尖端科技)。
life span: 寿命
Modern medicine has increased man's life span.
advisory board: 顾问委员会
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