It's a normal day for Yao Shaohua. He is taking a passenger to his destination in his cab. As he is about to leave a gas station, he is suddenly stopped by two other taxi drivers.
"They are two cabbies from a neighboring city. They stopped my car and asked me, "Are you Yao Shaohua? Are you the singer of that song? Do you have your CD with you?"
Yao Shaohua now unexpectedly meets his fans every day. A normal taxi driver before, Yao is now a big name among other cabbies in eastern China's Jiangxi Province. With his self-composed song "Never Give Up," Yao has become a spokesman for local taxi drivers.
The story began two years ago.
Dai Jing is Music Director of Tianhaoren Culture and Media Company, a local record company in Jiangxi.
These days he is busying producing Yao's single "Never Give Up."
"He has been preparing for this for a long time. He has written the lyrics and already has the melody. He wants to have a song dedicated to taxi drivers."
It's common for many taxi drivers to play music or listen to radio programs while driving. But how did Yao come up with the idea of writing his own song?
"Because as a taxi driver, I haven't heard of any song that has been especially written for us, for this profession. So I think it would be good for a song to tell our stories-the cabbies, telling our hardships and laughter, and all about what we want to say from the bottom of our hearts."
Yao has had this idea for years. When he finished writing the songs, he immediately took them to Dai Jing. But things have not been as easy as he imagined.
As a professional music producer, Dai Jing believed there was much room for improvement in Yao's song.
"Yao is not a professional composer and lyricist. For example, his lyrics do not rhyme well."

Just as his lyrics go, Yao hasn't given up. As a taxi driver for more than a decade, he has experienced too many tears and joys in his profession, and has so much to tell. Being inside his cab for about 10 hours every day, Yao feels like his taxi is another home for him-one where he has learned about society and the essence of life and relationships.
"I gave my script to Dai Jing and was rejected. Under his instruction, I spent a lot of time modifying it and kept asking for his suggestions. And finally I was able to improve my song."
After "Never Give Up" was recorded, a local radio station played it on the air.
Yue Yang, the program host, recalls that after the song's debut, it became a huge success.
"After we put the song on the air, our telephone line became a really ‘hot' line. Many listeners asked about the song. They were eager to know where they could buy it."
While driving around in his taxi, Yao also received warm responses to his song.
"After this song was recorded, I was assigned a job far away. I received many phone calls from my friends, and even many whom I didn't know before. They were happy after hearing my song."
Later Yue Yang promoted the song in a wider area.
"I promoted this song to some other colleagues who work for radio stations in other provinces. And after they put the song on air, the market response was also very enthusiastic. I think it is because Yao Shaohua himself is a cabby, and he writes about the true life and feelings of a cabby, which touches many others."
Faced with unexpected success, Yao felt nothing but joy.
"I just write down songs with my heart, and never think about whether they will be popular or not. Being a taxi driver is a risky profession. We undergo heavy pressures every day, and it is hard to persist if you don't like the job. And I like it and enjoy every detail of my life. Even a simple thank-you from passengers can make me feel happy and worthwhile."
Yao drives his cab more than 10 hours every day. And music is the best way for him to release tension as well as a build a bridge between him and his passengers.
Yao always has an MP3 player and a collection of CDs in his taxi.
"I have a choice of what songs to play. For example, when a European passenger gets into my cab, I will play some English songs. Usually I can tell where they from when they tell me their destination, and then I will try to play some music from their hometown."
Yao makes his cab feel like a cozy musical pub and tries to make his passengers feel at home. Although some of them he never sees again after they get out of the taxi, others have become good friends with this considerate cabby.
"One time I picked up a passenger from the airport. After he told me his destination, he remained silent the entire way."
"What shall I do? I can tell from his tone that he is from northern China, so I picked folk music from the northern provinces. I saw he was surprised, and then when we arrived there, he said, ‘Can you please pick me up again tomorrow morning?’"
Yao says he and the passenger became friends, and they get together every time the man makes a business trip to Jiangxi.
Yao Shaohua has become a well-known name among local cabbies. But he says besides earning money from his fame, he would rather like to write more good songs for other taxi drivers.
Now Yao has written five songs altogether, all about the lives and feelings of taxi drivers. His first personal album is also under way.
If you have a chance to go to Jiangxi, maybe you can take Yao's taxi and experience a wonderful music trip with him.
For CRI, this is He Fei.
歌词:车轮不停地转/日夜星辰忙个不倦/人生拼搏的途中/有委屈快乐和心酸/坎坷艰辛的路/有过多少的困苦/永不言放弃/仰起头继续/再苦再难我不后悔/风雨中/走过春夏秋冬/人生难免失败/难免有挫折/都要从容去面对/心中的梦想/一生的追求 用双手画出生命的彩虹/永远不放弃/汗水洒在风中/车里装满我的热情/为这美丽的城市/打开一扇文明的窗口/霓灯闪烁的街/和思念紧紧相连/每天伴着你/永远爱着你/今生此世眷恋着你
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