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万事俱备 只欠东风


In late June, Hurricane Alex ushered in what some scientists say might be a busy 2010 Atlantic hurricane season. EarthSky spoke with research climatologist and oceanographer Bill Patzert of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory about Hurricane Alex.


Bill Patzert: This was a very unusual hurricane. It came very early. It’s very rare to get a hurricane in June. It strengthened very rapidly. By the time it came ashore it was a category 2.


Hurricane Alex is the strongest June hurricane since Alma in 1966, forty-four years ago, said Patzert. Many believe this 2010 hurricane season might be an active one.


Bill Patzert: Well, all the elements are in place. The Caribbean, the Gulf, the tropical Atlantic are all very, very warm. And we switched out of El Nino into what we call a La Nina situation, which keeps the jet stream really out of the path of these westward-moving hurricanes. And so they tend to get strong and last long during a La Nina situation.


We asked Dr. Patzert what he thought is the most important thing people should know about the 2010 hurricane season.


Bill Patzert: Preparation is the thing that you have to consider most, and first. Know your evacuation routes, know exactly what you’re gonna do, and don’t wait till the last minute.
