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抬头仰望 饱览星空美景


EarthSky often gets asked about what gear you need to see stars and planets in the night sky. Just a simple pair of binoculars will do it, said Stephen J. O’Meara, author of a new book called Exploring the Solar System with Binoculars.


Stephen J. O’Meara: With your binoculars, you can monitor in a safe way sun spots. You can observe craters on the moon. You can see all the major planets, rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter. We have meteor showers. They can be the occasional comet that can grace the sky.

史提芬.欧米拉: 用双筒望远镜就能安全的观察到太阳黑子、月球表面的环形山、所有的大行星、土星光环、木星的卫星等。当彗星偶尔优雅划过天际的时,我们还能看到流星雨。

One thing to look for this summer of 2010, said O’Meara, is the planet Venus.


Stephen J. O’Meara: You’ll be able to look to the western sky and the place in the region of where the sun sets, and once it gets dark, about a quarter of the way up the sky, you will see an immensely bright planet. And it’s only going to become more and more prominent as the months go on.


O'Meara encourages anyone, even if you've never tried it, to go outside, look up, and explore the night sky.


Stephen J. O’Meara: If you don’t know the sky, in a way it’s beneficial because I can’t tell you how beautiful it is just to look up in wonder, to see the chaos of the night sky, to know that it’s intangible. To know that something grander than ourselves is out there.
