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app: abbr. for application应用程序

slate: n.页岩;石板;提名名单 vt.提名;预定

to designate for a specified purpose or action :SCEDULE<was slated to direct the play>

tweet: vi. 鸣叫n. 小鸟叫声, 自录音再现装置发出之高音

1.make a weak, chirping sound; squeeze tightly between the fingers; 2.n. a week chirping sound as of a small bird

pop-up adj. 弹出式的, 有跳起立体图片的 a pop-up window on a computer screen

swap: 交换 transitive verb

1 a:to give in trade :BATER b:EXCHANGE   2:to take turns in telling <swap stories>  intransitive verb:to make an exchange

grayscale :灰度 a series of regularly spaced tones ranging from black to white through intermediate shades of gray also :an image composed solely of gray scale tones

kindle: vt.点燃;这里是指Amazon公司的电子书浏览