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Human blood cells – taken at doctors’ offices or hospitals – can now be reprogrammed into a state like embryonic stem cells, according to researchers.


Judith Staerk: You erase the memory of the blood cell, and you bring it back to a state where there is no memory. You can tell that cell to become skin again, or a neuron, or a blood cell.


That is Judith Staerk, lead author of a study released in July 2010. She’s with the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She and her team discovered how to insert reprogramming genes into a blood cell – genes that function to erase the cell’s “memory” of being a blood cell and cause it to act more like an embryonic stem cell. Embryonic stem cells are key to many disease studies because they can generate all types of cells in the human body. This research might help avoid the ethical issues of harvesting stem cells from embryos.


Judith Staerk: Basically, I go to the doctor. He withdraws 20 milliliters of my blood, and I can directly use those blood cells.


She said once a blood cell has been reprogrammed into a stem cell, scientists can make copies of it and use them to study diseases and new medicines. A patient’s own cells, stored in a hospital blood bank, may explain the cause of their disease – even after death.


Judith Staerk: That we can retrospectively go back, and look on a DNA level, for example, if there was a genetic reason for the disease or not.
