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Last Tuesday marked 13 years since Princess Diana's death. She was killed in a car accident in Paris, as you know. Britons were leaving bouquets outside London's Kensington Palace, her former home. A company in China meanwhile was observing the anniversary a little differently, using a likeness of lady Di to help sell lingerie. The story in the Global Spotlight for our editorial producer Nadia Bilchik who is here with me once again. I imagine some folks in Britain didn't take too kindly with it.

Did not take too kindly. Nicholas Davies who wrote Diana the Lonely Princess, which is a wonderful book about the complexity of Diana, said this is appalling. And of course the way he said, it is totally appalling, what's going on. But here you have this campaign. And there is Princess Diana in a bra and panties, or as the British call knickers. And she has a cello and then the bow of the cello, and she is looking down at a child, supposedly William or Harry. And of course it's not Princess Diana. It is a princess Diana lookalike, a model. But caused great outrage. People are very, very furious about it because let her rest in peace.

They knew what they were doing I assume. That the point here was to find someone and to promote this and to fool people essentially into thinking this is lady Di.

Well, yes, and it's Jealousy International. It's the name of the company. And let's look at 13 years ago, do you remember where you were when princess … Isn't that amazing people do … So let's talk about the woman who was an icon in her life, and is certainly an icon in her death, and the impact she had on people's lives. That it’s 13 years later, we still remember her. And what do we remember her for? For her land mine work, for her philanthropy. She was the one of the first people who held the hands of an AIDS victim. She was so remarkable in that way. And why do we feel for Diana so much, because not only was she beautiful but her husband had cheated on her. So she was loved by so many women. One of the most fascinating things I found in my research in the British Medical Journal that after her death, four weeks later, the suicide rate in the UK and Wales hiked by something like 17%. That's how much people feel for Diana. So here you have this extraordinary ad campaign, but what it really shows is the global impact of Diana.

Now is there any possible action, anyone could take against the company?

Not posthumously. If you had James Dean or Michael Jackson lookalike after they died, there is nothing. It's just in appalling taste, so the Diana fan clubs are saying this is blatant exploitation. Of course there is no comment from the Charles's camp, but he hasn't commented on her for years. And the campaign themselves Jealousy International are saying we are honoring Diana's memory by showing the kind of the underwear she would wear.

But the timing is well. This is coming out right around the anniversary.

And tomorrow, 13 years ago was her funeral. So, you know again, you know they knew what they were doing. Look at all the world's attention is getting, never mind Victoria Secret, we are wearing Jealousy International. But in the Britain or America, people will probably boycott it because it is in bad taste.

And bad taste is all. Nadia Bilchik, we appreciate the story you do bring us.