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Overseas there has been a victory for the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assage, the man who blew the whistle on much of the world in his fight to get out of prison. But tonight there's also been a catch. And our own Peter Alexander remains outside Wandsworth Prison in Southwest London tonight.Peter, good evening.

Brian, good evening to you. Assange will remain here at Wandsworth Prison for at least one more night, returning to court by Thursday after Swedish authorities appeal the judge's decision ordering his release on bail.Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning allegations of sexual misconduct, allegations he vehemently denies. His lawyer tonight called that appeal "vindictive".

Photographers today captured these photos of Assange through tinted windows on his way into the court house. At the hearing, the man who has made freedom of information his life's work learn the price of his own freedom $315,000 cash bail with restrictions. Assange would have to reside at the estate of a friend outside London with volunteer by its owner, a man who is the founder of an exclusive prominent British club for journalists. Assange would also have to be under curfew with electronic monitoring. But again Brian tonight, he remains here , behind bars, in solitary confinement.

Peter Alexander in London for us tonight, Peter, thanks for that.