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It's Friday December 17th, I'm Natali Morris. And it's time to get loaded. Facebook went down briefly on Thursday but the site came back after the few redesigns. The site now has photo text suggestion feature, the one that we've discussed before. It also has new photo layout, and a few other graphical changes. If you don't see them, you will soon.

The Apple's Mac Appstore will be open for business on Thursday January 6th. This brings the iphone App store to the Mac, letting you run your apps on your computer. It will be available in 19 countries at launch.

Yahoo is going through a pretty significant round of layoffs. Unfortunately, this means that several Yahoo services will be shut down as a result. Daring fireball reports that the bookmarketing service delicious could be just one of many Yahoo casualties. So, where am I going to save my recipes then. I guess, I'll move them to evernote but I will shed a crocodile tear for the Delicious for what its worth.

Meanwhile, Google is increasingly in hot water in the European Union. The EU is said to be increasing its inspection of Google's practices based on complaints from Germany. The investigation has to do with whether Google gave preferential treatment to its own services when brinking search results blocking out competitors.

Google Maps from mobile on Android has a few new good ease.First of all, they come in 3D, you can also navigate them with bounds of multi-touch gestures.And they working in off line mode, this means that the maps will cach when you lose your connection and you can still use them. You do need the connection to start the guidance but if you lose your connection along the way, the map will help you keep easy on down the road. Android users to get this features, get Google's maps from Mobile 5.0 in Android market place.

Google is not only working to map your world, they also want to map your body. The Google body browser takes you on the tour of your own anatomy. Well, not your own anatomy obviously, but the general human anatomy, imagine if Google launched your own private anatomy out of the blue with images they've taken with that map in track. Now that would be a privacy lawsuit worth following, you can find the body browser at bodybrowser.googlelabs.com.

An update to hotmail lets you surf the web from inside your email client. This feature is called active views, it lets you visit websites and perform functions like booking travel,ordering movies on net flicks from inside your email massages.

And finally the official playstation app is coming soon to Android and iphone. It will let you do things like keep update with your friends, games and statuses. Find new games, replay station announcements,and post your social networks about your gaming life.The Apple will be free.

Those are your headlines for today and that wraps up your week of getting loaded, remember you can find links to anything we discussed at Cnet.com/loaded. I'll see you Monday, I'm Natali Morris for Cnet.com and you've just been loaded.