"Seckill" is the most popular online shopping method nowadays. Looking at the transaction records of seckilled goods, people can find hundreds of pieces of clothing sold out within a few seconds. This shopping mode is named for its speed.
Many garments, shoes and bags popular among youngsters are often "seckill" targets. Low prices, fashionable styles and limited-editions are associated with commodities, which are "seckilled."

Chen Jiajun in Shanghai is one of those online shopping fans. He says he feel those seckilled goods are very attractive. However, it's hard to make it seckill on what he likes. Since people want to successfully seckill they must wait in front of the computer before the seckill time starts, meanwhile, the computer must work fast, with a fast broadband.
"I feel I can hardly successfully seckill the good I take a fancy to, as there are so many, let's say, thousands of people doing it at the same time. The goods are so attractive. It's hard, I never succeeded."
As a result, seckill agents appear. They claim they can help people seckill the product they like. As long as people send agents the web link of their favored product together with their PayPal account information, and pay about five or twenty yuan, they will probably get what they want. Here is one seckill agent.
"We can assure you that we can successfully seckill it, we can say that we have an 80 percent success rate. If we can't make it in the end, we will refund the money you pay us."
The agent says since he started the business six months ago, he got an average of about 500 requests a month. However, some industry insiders say people should change the password of their account after they providing detailed account information to seckill agents.
Although asking help from a seckill agent brings potential dangers to people's account, why are they still wild about seckills?
Some people say seckill is exciting, and getting something they like brings them a sense of achievement. They need excitement and success, and the shopping itself is not so important.
However, a "seckill" veteran surnamed, Liu, says before "seckilling" a certain item, consumers must decide if they really need it or not, and then carefully check its size and other information. Additionally, consumers must pay attention to the online shop's reputation and remain calm, stopping from being tempted to buy cheap but useless stuff.
For CRI, I am Zhang Wan.
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