Ruby is a student from the UK studying Mandarin Chinese. She goes to primary school.
"I'm 7 and I like studying Chinese because it's a very big country and it's got lots of population and there's lots of Chinese people around."
Ruby attends a Mandarin club at Belmont Grovsnor School in the north of England. Head teacher Jane Merriman says this provides a foundation for further study.

"It gives them an additional language to learn and we do feel that with China being one of the leading countries in the world with the fastest growing economy, it's important our children have the skills when they leave school to contribute to a new globalised economy."
The number of UK schools offering Mandarin has rapidly expanded over the past few years. Now one in six schools in the country teach Chinese.
Rose Anibaba is a 17 year old student from Dartford Grammar School. Mandarin is one of her favourite subjects.
"The writing of the characters, that's probably one of the best bits because when you know that after 6 months I can now probably write a page or two completely in characters is really interesting and fun."
Katharine Carruthers is Confucius Institute Director at the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, a support network for Chinese teaching in the UK.
"Now I think there is a very strong demand, which is encouraging for us because the language uptake in the UK in general is not all that it might be and Chinese is encouraging a resurgence of interest in language learning but also encouraging maybe children who weren't terribly interested in, or opted out of, learning French or German in their classes but love learning Chinese characters."
According to the Confederation of British Industry Now Chinese is second only to French in terms of language skills desired by UK employers.
For CRI, I'm Dominic Swire.
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