MONTAGNE: Now heres something for parents who like to sing to their baby, but have voices that could make a small child cry, a new CD that just might boost your confidence.
STEVE INSKEEP, host: "Sing to Your Baby" is a collection of simple songs for parents who are convinced they are singing-impaired. You know, they talking about having a face only a mother could love; we're talking about a voice here that only the child could love.
The songs were written by Grammy Award-winners Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer.

Ms. MARCY MARXER (Songwriter): So many people are self conscious about their singing, and often just hold back because they think maybe their children are not going to like it or they're just not used to doing it.
Ms. CATHY FINK (Songwriter): Its really important for parents to realize that your baby is not judging your sing voice. You are a rock star, from day one. So as long as youre having fun and enjoying the moment, the baby is going to have fun and enjoy the moment.
MONTAGNE: Well, thats a nice thought. "Sing to Your Baby" features 11 songs, each one is on the CD twice. One version is in a key intended for mothers.
MONTAGNE: Da, da, da.
MONTAGNE: Baby in the afternoon.
INSKEEP: And then in a key for dads.
INSKEEP: Those lyrics are in a book that comes with the CD. Cathy Fink says most of the tunes are what's known as zipper songs written so it's easy to zip out a lyric and zip in one of your own.
Ms. FINK: In kids music, the obvious version of a zipper song would be "Old McDonald." You change what the animals are in the animal sounds. Well, let me grab my banjo. If we do something like...
Ms. FINK: (Singing) Wake up my little baby, wake up. Wake up my little baby, wake up. Wake up my little sweetie pie, my little honey drop. Wake up my little baby, wake up.
But, lets put the babys name in.
(Singing) Wake up my little Barry, wake up. Wake up my little Barry, wake up. Wake up my little sweetie pie, my little honey drop. Wake up my little Barry, wake up. And you can use that song a hundred different ways.
MONTAGNE: That's Cathy Fink along with Marcy Marxer. Their new CD is titled "Sing to Your Baby." "Sing to Your Radio Host" is sold separately.
INSKEEP: This is NPR coos.
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