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1. The new drugs are expected to improve cure rates for some of the more than 170 million people worldwide affected by this potentially fatal disease.

be expected to被期望…
例句:House prices are expected to perk up.

2. If blood is not screened for diseases, the virus can be transmitted through transfusions or organ transplants.

transmit through通过…传播
例句:Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of insects.

3. “People got their hepatitis C in the 60s and 70s, and early 80s, and now are having all these problems from it, 20 or 30 years later,” says liver disease specialist Dr. Bruce Bacon of Saint Louis University, adding that about 20 percent of people exposed to hepatitis C recover from the virus on their own, without treatment.

recover from 恢复, 痊愈
例句:Has he recovered from his illness?

4. “And it turns out that genotype 1 is the most hard to treat,” he says.

turn out 结果是, 原来是
例句:He said he was a doctor; but later he turned out to be a cheat.
他自称是个医生, 结果证明他是个骗子。

5. For the past decade, treatment for hepatitis C has meant a year-long regimen of two drugs: an immune-system booster called pegylated interferon and an antiviral medication known as ribavirin.

known as被认为是,被称为
例句:This property is known as ductility.

6. In a clinical trial funded by the drug maker Vertex, Di Besceglie helped test how hard-to-treat genotype 1 patients responded when a new Vertex drug, telaprevir, was added to the current two-drug treatment.

clinical trial临床试验
例句:They are doing clinical trials on a new drug.
add to增加, 加强
例句:The perfect coordination of the dancers and singers added a rhythmic charm to the performance.
舞蹈演员和歌手们配合得很好, 使演出更具魅力。

7. Bacon, who led that study, says adding boceprevir to the standard two-drug treatment significantly improved cure rates, even for patients who had been treated before and failed to recover.

fail to未能…
例句:But the Middle East never fail to teach one the limits of human foresight. 

8. She was on an independent panel of experts that reviewed data on both drugs for the FDA. She says the new drugs do have some side effects - boceprevir can cause anemia, and telaprevir a severe rash - but she believes their benefits outweigh their risks.

side effect副作用
例句:This medicine has no side effect.

9. “The difference between what you can do with dual therapy and triple therapy is like night and day," says McGovern.

do with 处理;对待
例句:What did you do with yourself during the summer holidays?

10. You save downstream by saving the costs of caring for patients with decompensated cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver transplantation, all of that.

care for照料, 服侍
例句:He was given treatment and cared for until he recovered.