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1. Scientists have identified a new way of fighting cancer that limits the growth and spread of a variety of tumors in laboratory animals.

a variety of多种的,各种各样的
例句:He has a variety of interests.

2. The immune system reacts to many cancers in much the same way, says University of California, San Diego researcher Judith Varner.

react to对…作出反应〔评价, 应答〕
例句:The eye reacts to the light.
in the same way同样地, 用同样的方式
例句:All three children have equality in our family -they are all treated in the same way. 

3. "The white blood cells rush to the tumor and attempt to heal the 'wound' in a manner that actually never stops," she explains.

attempt to 试图,企图
例句:He attempted to get in touch with them but without success.
他试图和他们联系, 但未成功。

4. And because it doesn't stop, because the cancer doesn't go away, the white blood cells actually help the cancer to grow.

go away (疼痛等)消失;停止,停息
例句:The pain will go away soon.

5. Varner and her colleagues identified a specific enzyme called PI-3 kinase gamma that allows the immune cells to get into the tumor, where it can be compromised.

get into进入
例句:The bus got me into the village at two o'clock.

6. They figured out how to block PI-3 kinase gamma, using either drugs or genetic methods, in laboratory mice.

figure out弄明白,理解; 想出
例句:I can't figure out what he was hinting at.
either or不是...就是..., ...或..., 要么...要么...
例句:They are either German or Russian.

7. When we treated animals with early tumors, we found that we could stop the stage of tumor at the early stage, and we prevented the invasive stage from developing.

at the/an early stage在早期
例句:Perhaps at an early stage the solar system consisted of comet-sized objects. 
prevent from阻止, 防止
例句:Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.

8. In addition to the mice with breast cancer, the researchers also used this approach on a variety of other cancers in laboratory animals and found it was consistently effective across a range of different kinds of tumors.

in addition to除…之外,还…
例句:In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.

9. Varner says suppressing PI-3 kinase gamma might in theory also be effective to reduce the risk of cancer in the first place, in cases where chronic inflammation contributes to tumor formation.

be effective to 对…有效
例句:Antibiotics is effective to cure throat infection.
in the first place首先, 从一开始
例句:Why did you choose basketball in the first place?
contribute to 促成
例句:Smoking is a major factor contribute to cancer.

10. She says human testing of PI-3 kinase gamma inhibitors to battle cancer could begin as soon as a year or so from now.

as soon as一经...;立即...;一...就...
例句:Come here as soon as you finish the work.