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1. And a good many of them have been exposed by a cadre of veterans who keep a look-out for imposters - particularly at holiday gatherings such as those on the 4th of July.

such as像, 例如
例句:We dislike people such as him.

2. That’s the same elite Navy parachute and demolitions unit that swooped down and killed al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in May.

swoop down向…突然袭击
例句:We decided to swoop down upon the enemy there. 

3. Some fakers did serve their nation honorably but could not resist dressing up their records with claims of battles they never fought, medals they never won, or tortures they never endured.

dress up粉饰, 伪装;添油加醋地讲述,修饰
例句:She dressed up some of those facts and figures.

4. For example, Bailey points to Joseph Ellis, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian who admitted embellishing his resume by claiming to have served as a platoon leader in Vietnam.

for example例如, 譬如
例句:There are many sources of air pollution; exhaust fumes, for example.
空气污染有许多来源, 例如废气。
point to表明, 指向
例句:All the signs at the moment point to an early resumption of the fighting between the two countries.
serve as充当, 担任
例句:The general had served as a soldier in the earlier war.
在早期的战争中, 这位将军曾当过士兵。

5. In truth, he spent the war at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York, teaching history.

in truth真实地,实在
例句:In truth, she was far from robust. 

6. And a few years ago, Los Angeles, California, Superior Court Judge Patrick Couwenberg was removed from the bench after falsely claiming to be a decorated Vietnam War veteran who worked undercover in Laos for the Central Intelligence Agency.

remove from将(某人)撤〔免〕职
例句:He was severely criticized and removed from his post.

7. Bailey says men often make up heroic war stories to impress women, to puff up their job credentials or because they think it will inspire youngsters such as Boy Scouts and military recruits.

make up编造
例句:Tom makes up stories to amuse his little brother.
puff up过分赞扬
例句:You hit too many homers and people start puffing you up.

8. He says some people have lived their falsehoods so long that they could pass lie-detector tests about their stories.

so …that如此……以致
例句:The water was so dirty that we couldn't drink it.