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1. Britain is famed for its green and pleasant countryside.

be famed for以…出名
例句:The city is famed for its scenic spots

2. But in one part of Wales, scientists claim they can now turn the grassland into a highly lucrative bio-fuel that could replace the need for oil products in everything from plastics and chemicals to medicines and cosmetics.

turn into (使)变成
例句:Joan is turning into quite a skilled musician.

3. The pioneering 32 million US dollar project taking place at Aberystwyth University's Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences is aiming to develop super-advanced breeds of rye-grass and miscanthus.

ake place发生,进行
例句:The meeting will take place soon.

4. The grasses contain extremely high levels of sugars that can easily be converted into a new type of bio-fuel.

convert into (使)转而变为…
例句:All the bank money was converted into cash.

5. What makes this project so exciting is the ability for the grasses to be planted in almost any location, even areas not suitable for crops.

suitable for适合
例句:This book is suitable for teenagers.

6. It contains an awful lot of water soluble sugars that we can convert quite easily to alcohol or other end products like lactic acid.

an awful lot of大量的
例句:That' s an awful lot of money. 

7. The grass passes through a grinder which separates the fibers from the juice.

pass through经过, 通过
例句:A diameter passes through the center of a circle.

8. This liquid is transferred to a laboratory where it undergoes a fermentation process that sees it converted into alcohol and ethanol, the key ingredients that are used to produce the bio-fuel.

be used to do被用来做……
例句:Platinum is used to make jewelry.

9. One application is to produce plastic cups like these and these are biodegradable so not only are we producing plastics that are normally produced by the petrochemical industry so we are not reliant on that so much but they'll also degrade so you pop these into your compost bin or put them into an anaerobic digester and it can produce methane and then you'll not only get a product but you'll also get a fuel source for it.

be reliant on依靠,依赖
例句:The charity is completely reliant on public donations.

10. The project has attracted worldwide interest and the scientists involved in the research claim it could have a major impact on how we generate our fuels in the future.

involve in使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕
例句:The vast masses there have become involved in the health campaign.