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1. She can still perform basic tasks like putting out the laundry, but she seems to be in a world of her own.

put out把…送到外面去做
例句:We put out the washing.

2. It seems to be a waste now because she just don't pay attention to it.

pay attention to注意,关心
例句:No attention was paid to his advice.

3. That's kind of frustrating.

kind of稍微, 有点儿, 有几分
例句:I'm feeling kind of tired.

4. Experts believe Hispanics may be more susceptible to Alzheimer's because they have higher rates of diabetes and high blood pressure, and also because they are living longer.

be susceptible to 对…敏感, 易受…的影响;
例句:We are all susceptible to advertising.

5. The report noted that Hispanics will constitute a much larger proportion of the older population compared to African Americans by 2050, 20 percent compared to 12 percent.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

6. The latest survey of Hispanics by the Alzheimer's Association - the largest private, none-profit foundation of Alzheimer research - found that 64 percent of those responding were not very aware or not at all aware of the disease.

be aware of意识到, 知道
例句:He doesn't seem to be aware of the problems.

7. He says the figures back up the anecdotal evidence.

back up支持,证实;增援,后援
例句:He backed up his arguments with facts.

8. These latest figures really confirm what we have already known and been seeing in the outpatient setting, that a large number of people in the Latin community just come in to this with less knowledge or maybe less exposure than other folks.

a large number of很多
例句:A large number of people were present.

9. The stigma many attach to mental illness is one barrier to treatment, and better knowledge could lead to better outcomes
attach to (使)相关; (使)牵连; (使)依附
例句:The blame of the accident attached to the boy who put out the street lamps.
lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.