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2011-08-06来源:Sky News

Gaddafi's forces are locking down this city. All across Tripoli, checkpoints vetting the flow of people and weapons are in place. Bombarded by NATO and threatened with the rebel assault, the regime says it has no option left but to prepare to fight. Gaddafi's loyalists insist the future of this country is with the Colonel.

Colonel Gaddafi is here, here. (In your heart?) Yes, yes, and here.

The rebel's progress has been slowed, and only if and when it comes down to a battle with the army in Tripoli, will anyone really know how much of Gaddafi's support here is genuine. In the mean time, the longer the conflict strikes on, this is what Britain's foreign policy in Libya is starting to breed.

"Here in Arab, you kill my son, in his city, I kill your son."

There is opposition, but most people are nervous to talk openly about the regime, believing walls have ears.

"Is Colonel Gaddafi popular?"

"No, no, no."

"He's not popular?"

"No, no, no. "

"Why is Colonel Gaddafi not popular?"

"Because he pay money. For example, he pay me money I love you. You no pay no mony, nobody love him. I mean, as a love, as a popular, no, no."

As we film with this old man, someone comes over, prompting him to change the subject. The new arrival claims he's a grandfather to the community, denying he's a member of the secret police. But these people have lived in a police state for decades and so far, nothing has changed. As we continue down the street, a young man backens me back.

"Tell me what do you say to me before. You said to me Colonel Gaddafi is popular."


"You don't want him in power? What do you think of Colonel Gaddafi?"

"Problem, man, problem, problem."

"Did you say to me how?"

"If I speak they will arrest me. Gaddafi a problem...problem. Look at all the young people around us, if we go to protest they will shoot us. Okay, no can."

Cut off from the rest of the country and at war with the international community, Tripoli feels isolated. Another corner of the Arab world where Britain is miled in a complex and potentially bloody civil war.

Lisa Holland, Sky News, Tripoli