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1. It is well known that food is hard to come by in parts of North Korea, where the U.N. World Food Program has been helping feed more than 3.5 million people since April in the wake of severe food shortages.

come by得到, 获得
例句:Money that is easily come by is often easily spent.
in the wake of尾随,紧跟,仿效
例句:Misery follows in the wake of war.

2. But travel past the Korean Demilitarized Zone, a strip of land that separates the two Koreas, into South Korea and one can find an abundance of North Korean-style dishes.

separate into分成(若干部分)
例句:The land was separated into small fields.

3. That is, in part, thanks to an increasing number of defectors who have opened restaurants and even a cooking school in their new home.

thanks to幸亏, 多亏, 由于
例句:Thanks to you, I was saved from drowning.
幸亏你, 我才没有淹死。

4. Ryu Kyung-ok is a tiny restaurant that fills up with customers quickly during lunchtime. 

fill up with用……装满
例句:His office began to fill up with people.

5. The noodles is what many people come for.

come for为某种目的而来取;向…冲来;对…进行袭击
例句:I saw the big dog coming for me.

6. “When it’s really hot, it’s just really refreshing and it tastes good it kinda cools down your whole body,” Rho explains, before ordering one bowl of naengmyeon served in a cold beef broth and another mixed with raw fish and pepper sauce. 

cool down (使)变凉
例句:Her passion for her teacher has cooled down.

7.  Ahn hopes other North Korean dishes will catch on soon.

catch on变得流行
例句:The new song caught on really quickly.

8. Lee Aeran, 47, is also counting on that.

count on依赖, 依靠
例句:They counted on foreign investment to stimulate their economy.

9. “I think that I am pretty familiar with South Korean cooking, in general, and all the regional differences within South Korea," Jung says.

be familiar with熟悉
例句:Tom is quite familiar with the author.
in general一般而言, 总的来说
例句:The class are, in general, very bright.
总的说来, 这个班级的学生都很聪明。

10. They struggle because of food shortages and often have meals consisting of just rice mixed with water.

consist of由…组成
例句:The entire world consists of matter.