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1. Children are dying by the thousands just a few kilometers from warehouses full of emergency food supplies.

full of充满
例句:The hall was full of people.

2. The roads into Mogadishu are dotted with families streaming in from parched southern Somalia in hopes of saving their wafer-thin children from starvation.

be dotted with点缀着
例句:The sky was dotted with stars.
save from从…中救出, 使免受
It will save the student from wasting his time in exercises.

3. Fifteen died along the way, and now children weakened by malnutrition are dying of measles.

die of死于
例句:People are dying of cancer more and more often.

4. Her group has taken refuge in the remains of an Italian-colonial-era church, but it offers little protection from the elements, and the crowded conditions invite disease.

take refuge避难
例句:They took refuge in a cave yesterday.

5. New camps spring up every day.

spring up突然开始; 突然产生; 快速增加〔增长〕
例句:New towns are springing up to house the increasing population.
新的城镇正迅速建起, 以容纳不断增长的人口。

6. After al-Shabab was driven out of Mogadishu this month, the flood of hungry families from the countryside intensified.

drive out驱逐, 驱散
例句:They drove foreign goods out of the market.

7. Even the World Food Program shut down its operation a year and a half ago after 14 of its local employees were killed.

shut down完全关闭,倒闭,停止运转
例句:The factory was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.

8. The World Food Program and other agencies have come in for severe criticism for keeping a warehouse full of food, while people in the city are starving. 

come in for接受; 遭受
例句:She came in for a sum of money when her father died.
当她父亲去世时, 她接受了一大笔钱。

9. It is not just a case of handing out food to anyone who says, ‘We can give it out," she said.

hand out分发, 发给, 散发
例句:Please hand out the reading materials to the students.

10. Susannah Nicoll says the World Food Program is not ruling out anything as it looks for ways to reach people in the famine zone.

rule out宣布…不可能; 排除…的可能性
例句:A sudden storm ruled out the boat race.