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1. Japan's tourism industry has been knocked into a deep recession.

knock into撞上;与…相撞
例句:I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.

2. Foreign tourists, who normally contribute about $16 billion annually to the economy, canceled planned visits after the March 11 earthquake and subsequent nuclear disaster devastated the northeastern part of the country.

contribute to捐献
例句:How much did you contribute to the relief fund?

3. The lane leading to the temple contains dozens of stalls selling souvenirs, snacks and cold drinks.

lead to (道路)通向
例句:All roads lead to Rome.
dozens of很多
例句:There are rumors in the air that dozens of people died in the fire.

4. He charges tourists 3,000 yen for a ten-minute ride.

charge for要价, 收费
例句:How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?

5. Nishio says the number of riders has dropped about 30 percent this August compared to the same month last year.

compare to与…相比
例句:The writer was compared to Shakespeare.

6. Blaine Deitch, a retiree from southern California, says the trip has turned out to be worth every devalued dollar he has spent.

turn out to be结果是, 原来是, 证明是
例句:He said he was a doctor; but later he turned out to be a cheat.
他自称是个医生, 结果证明他是个骗子。

7. That's going to stop a lot of people from coming.

stop from阻止某事发生
例句:The guard stopped him from going through the gate.

8. Teng says her family did not worry about making the trip because the Japanese government now seems to have the nuclear crisis under control.

worry about担忧, 烦恼
例句:He worried about how to make his living.

9. Many in the travel industry believe, however, it could be another year before overseas leisure travel bookings return to previous levels.

return to重新恢复
例句:The situation has returned to normal in the capital.