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1. The search for a vaccine against HIV/AIDS has been disappointing, in part because the virus cleverly changes to elude the antibodies of the human immune system.

in part在某种程度上, 部分地
例句:Tom was only in small part responsible.

2. But the human immune system just isn't very good at fighting off an HIV infection, in part because the virus is constantly mutating.

good at擅长…
例句:I am good at English.
fight off竭力摆脱〔驱走, 阻止, 回避…〕
例句:This is a possible cure to fight off cancer.

3. For HIV, current vaccines, because of the variability of the virus, don't induce antibodies that are able to recognize many different virus strains.

because of因为, 由于
例句:It was because of the job that he had taken the flat.
be able to能,会
例句:Most children are able to walk before they are able to talk.

4. But Walker and her colleagues identified rare antibodies that were effective against a large number of the virus variations in circulation.

a large number of很多
例句:A large number of people were present.

5. In the lab, they mixed those antibodies with HIV and saw that the virus was neutralized, and a relatively small amount of antibodies did the trick.

mix with (使)与…混〔结〕合
例句:This paint mixes easily with water.

6. "What's special about these antibodies is that they're able to inactivate the viruses at very low concentrations, which means that if you could induce these antibodies by a vaccine, you wouldn't need very much of them to provide some protection, which we think is very hopeful in terms of vaccine design,"  Walker says.

in terms of 就…而言, 从…方面说来
例句:He referred to your work in terms of high praise.

7. Walker says these molecules might be used as what she calls templates for potential vaccines.

be used as被…用作
例句:Dung is used as manure.

8. Walker is cautiously optimistic that her work may lead to an effective HIV vaccine.

lead to导致
例句:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.

9. However, she says her approach may help protect people who are newly exposed to HIV, but probably won't benefit those who already carry the virus.

expose to暴露于
例句:Don't expose undeveloped film to light.