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飓风过去6年 密西西比海岸仍在重建



1. Cars, trucks and boats were battered and tossed about.

toss about翻来复去; 颠簸
例句:The ship tossed about on the stormy sea.

2. Thousands of residents and businesses left the state, but those who stayed are finally seeing a new landscape take shape.

take shape成形, 变得有条理
例句:The new building is beginning to take shape.

3. The federal government provided $25 billion for the massive effort.

provide for为…作准备; 为…提供
例句:I think we have provided for every possible hazard.

4. About $4 billion has been dedicated to housing.

dedicate to献(身)于…; 把(时间、精力等)用于…
例句:He dedicated his life to the cause of education.

5. Twenty-five feet almost assures there’ll never be another storm surge that comes through here and sweeps all these containers that go into North Gulfport, West Gulfport and even into Long Beach and run over churches and houses and cars and land as far as eight miles away.

come through穿过; 穿透
例句:The sun came through after days of rain.
下了几天雨之后, 太阳出来了。
run over溢出
例句:The bath water is running over.

6. The recovery process has been very difficult. We stripped the entire harbor, went back to basics, every single piling was pulled out.

pull out拔出
例句:The drawer won't pull out.

7. Even though her house withstood the storm, Corry moved 160 kilometers north, saying she couldn’t face living through another hurricane.

live through经历过; 经历…而未死
例句:She has lived through several terrible accidents.

8. It was just like a bomb had went off.

go off爆炸;(枪炮等)被发射;突然发出响声
例句:He fired but his pistol failed to go off.

9. “When it comes again - it’s gonna come again - and I’m gonna grab what I can grab and get out of here," says Kring.

get out of离开; 下
例句:The meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon.
会开得太晚了, 他想早点离开。

10. Hurricane Katrina wiped out nearly all of Waveland.

wipe out彻底摧毁, 消灭
例句:The earthquake wiped out the whole town.