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1. If you can find the secret phone number attached to a particular device, you can owecgobe it by sending your own commands through text messaging.

attach to (使)相关; (使)牵连; (使)依附
例句:He attached his signature to this document.

2. They are working as hackers to try and break into this car.

work as任…职, 当…
例句:It must be a hard life, working as a nurse in a backward country.
在落后的国家当一名护士, 生活必定是艰苦的。
break into闯入, 强行进入, 破门而入
例句:We had to break into the house as we had lost the key.
因为我们弄丢了钥匙, 所以不得不破门而入。

3. By connecting our laptops to the GSM network part of which is called the M2M, machine to machine network, we are able to communicate with devices that are on the cellular network.

connect to使与…连接
例句:The island is connected by a steamer service to the mainland.
communicate with与…联系, 与…交往
例句:I communicate with him regularly by letter.

4. Bailey and Solnik's research shows that such attacks are possible on a variety of other devices that use wireless communications chips.

a variety of多种的,各种各样的
例句:All of them arrived late for a variety of reasons.

5. According to the Cyber Consequences Unit, a group that studies hacking threats, the research findings aren't just about taking off with someone else's car or finding out where that person has been.

take off截断, 切除
例句:I'm afraid the disease can't be stopped, so we shall have to take your leg off.
恐怕这病情控制不住了, 我们得把你的一条腿截肢。
find out发现, 看穿, 揭发
例句:We soon found out that he was a secret agent.

6. Talk to the person that you buy your car from or the person that designed your security model and make sure that they are aware of these issues and ask, 'what are you doing to protect me, the consumer, from these types of threats?

be aware of意识到, 知道
例句:She was not aware of having done wrong.

7. E-computer security consultants are already working with car and car alarm makers to ensure their systems are safe.

work with从事…工作
例句:He has always liked working with machinery.