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1. "I was never very fond of them architecturally," he admits.

fond of喜欢

例句:I'm fond of pop music.


2. She dreams of making it New York's financial district. 

dream of梦想, 渴望

例句:I've long dreamed of paying a visit to the Great Wall.


3. The police were left to look on.

look on在一旁观看, 袖手旁观

例句:They stood looking on while the man was robbed.

正当那个人被抢劫时, 他们却站在那儿袖手旁观。

4. The Towers also became linked to romance, like in the 1987 film Moonstruck which features the steel buildings in New York nostalgia.

link to连接; 联系

例句:Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime.


5. The story centers around Loretta Castorini, an Italian-American widow who falls in love with a one-handed baker in Brooklyn, played by Nicholas Cage.

fall in love with爱上

例句:He has fallen in love with Mary.


6. In some cases, Sterritt says, filmmakers cut out scenes that showed the Towers so audiences wouldn't be upset.

cut out切去,割去,剪去;删去

例句:You should cut out the unimportant details.


7. "When I see them in a movie, I think it's wonderful and I love it and then when we were travelling and coming across from Jersey we look over it and we don't see it, there is a big gap and we miss it," a woman said.

look over (某物上面)看过去

例句:The boy pulled himself to the top of the wall and looked over.


8. The camera focuses on two parallel beams of light shining up from where the Towers once stood, an amputated New York still feeling its extremities.

focus on使聚焦于; 使直射于

例句:A near-sighted person cannot focus accurately on distant objects.


shine up (使)向上照

例句:Shine the torch up into the rafters, please.
