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1. On Monday, the U.N. opens a high-level meeting on non-communicable diseases that usually have been associated with western nations.

associate with与…交往, 联系
例句:Foreigners always associate China with the Great Wall.

2. Project HOPE is calling on the U.N. to take strong action – not only on treatment – but prevention.

call on要求, 请求
例句:He called on his friends to help him.
take action采取行动, 行动起来
The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.

3. The health-based NGO has programs in 35 countries on 5 continents, many of them dealing with non-communicable diseases or NCDs.

deal with论述, 涉及; 应付, 处理; 对待
例句:This book deals with life in the United States.

4. One of them – the HOPE Center – is located in Johannesburg, South Africa.

be located in坐落于..., 位于...
例句:The building is located in a business center.

5. Things like that that definitely have an impact on a person’s lifestyle

have an impact on对…有影响;对…起作用,产生效果
例句:The computer had made a great impact on modern life.

6. As diets change, he said, whether or not by choice, the overall health of a country can decline.

whether or not无论
例句:Whether you like the idea or not, I'm going ahead with it.
无论你是否喜欢这个意见, 我将继续做下去。

7. South Africa had a well documented problem with HIV and TB. And that really put a strain on the public health system.

put on增加; 增加(费用)
例句:The rise in taxation will put pounds on the cost of living.

8. And (it) has caused a real strain in just the volume of people that are going into the clinics now.

go into进入
例句:He went into a rage when he learned about it.