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1. As Geng Jie, the executive secretary general of the festival organizing committee says, the one week international festival is committed to promoting scientific knowledge among the public via creative, interactive and fun activities

be committed to献身于,致力于
例句:This development area is committed to creating a perfect investment environment.

2. The activities they bring range from life sciences, to environmental protection as well as the application of science in our lives.

range from to从...变化到...
例句:Prices range from £6 to £10.

3. Traditionally, people's perception of science is serious, and that it is esoteric, but the activities here will present you with a vivid experience connected to daily life, which is also entertaining.

connect to使与…连接
例句:The island is connected by a steamer service to the mainland.

4. Sarah Renner explains, it's similar to what the police use to recreate a suspect's appearance.

be similar to与…相似
例句:My problems are very similar to yours.

5. A presenter is demonstrating how a high-end remote control toy car can jump over a slope.

jump over (使)跳过
例句:The thief jumped himself over a fence and escaped.

6. And if your plane drops to the ground, you can fold the back of the plane up a little bit.

fold up(把…)折叠起来
例句:She folded up some shirts.

7. They can also be used to make illness models like tumors. It's easy to reproduce the effects, and it's cheap.

be used to do被用来做……
例句:Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service. 