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自杀式炸弹袭击显示AL - Shabab“软肋”



1. This is the time to intervene, as we cannot watch these cowards to regroup and carry out more vicious and cowardly acts.

carry out执行; 贯彻
例句:He carried out the plan in very detail.

2. African Union peacekeepers broke al-Shabab’s three-year stranglehold on Mogadishu in August after weeks of heavy fighting, driving the extremists into rural areas hard hit by famine.

drive into赶进; 迫使处于(某种)状态
例句:The failure drove him into despair.

3. Speaking to reporters while on a visit to Addis Ababa, Prime Minister Ali said the hardline Islamist extremists are becoming desperate as people increasingly blame them for blocking distribution of food aid.

blame for因…怪罪, 责怪(某人)
例句:He blamed his brother for breaking the window.

4. They lost the fight, they lost the battle, and resorting to violence and killing innocent people is the weakness of al-Shabab. 

resort to诉诸于,采取
例句:It was after the failure of this attempt that he resorted to force.

5. Violence against innocent people will not inculcate fear in the people’s mind as they intend to, but this will rather lead to their demise and isolation

intend to打算(做)..., 想要(做)...
例句:He intends his son to manage the company.
lead to导致
例句:Smoking can lead to lung cancer.

6. The prime minister called the bombing a crime, on top of the crime of preventing food aid from reaching desperate Somalis in the famine zone, effectively condemning many people to death.

prevent from阻止, 防止
例句:His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.

7. "Those severely affected by this famine are under the yoke of al-Shabab.  They deny access of relief aid to Somalia, and adding again insult to injury this is what they did to the Somali people," Ali noted.

add to增加, 加强
例句:This lesson adds to the value of the book.

8. The extremist group is trying to drive out Prime Minister Ali’s fragile western-backed administration and install a government based on Islamic Sharia law in the strategically located Horn of Africa country.

drive out驱逐, 驱散
例句:They drove foreign goods out of the market.
base on使建立在…基础上
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

9. Western governments fear that an al-Shabab victory would clear the way for al-Qaida to use Somalia as a base for terrorist operations.

clear the way for排除障碍;为……铺路
例句:The enforcement of this law will clear the way for further reform.