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影星Hugh Jackman重返到百老汇



1. Not only does Hugh Jackman have a new Hollywood action film, but the Australian actor is also tuning up his singing voice for a return to the Broadway stage.

tune up调弦, 定音; 调整
例句:The instruments should be tuned up before each performance.

2. The boy, played by Dakota Goyo, steals almost every scene. But Jackman says that goes with the territory.

go with跟…相配, 协调; 与…持同一看法, 同意
例句:A yellow blouse goes with her blonde hair.

3. I don't think any actor ever worries about the whole thing of scene stealing.

worry about担忧, 烦恼
例句:He worried about how to make his living.

4. Jackman has a new "Wolverine" adventure coming up, with plans to start shooting next year.

come up发生
例句:I expect something to come up soon.

5. He is so identified with the fierce comic book character that many of his fans are surprised to learn the Australian had his first show business success on the musical stage.

identify with同情(某人); 和…有同感; 觉得与…有联系; 支持
例句:She always identifies with the underdog.

6. He came back to the stage five years later - this time on Broadway in "The Boy From Oz:"

come back记起, 回忆起; 回来
例句:Gradually, the fragments of her childhood came back to her.
渐渐地, 她回忆起了童年生活的一些片断。

7. I had a chance to do this show earlier in San Francisco and then worked on it for another couple of months, took it to Toronto.

work on致力于…
例句:The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.

8. That's been the story of my year, but I couldn't quite fit it in before "Les Mis" the movie and there was a theater available, so we're in.

fit in有时间从事(某事); 有时间接待(某人), 相处融洽, 有地方容纳
例句:Dr. White says he can fit in only two more patients this morning.

9. Even though Hooper offered him the role, Jackman insisted on auditioning for it.

insist on坚持; 强调
例句:She insisted on her mother's living with her.

10. "I wanted to do this so bad that I didn't want to leave anything up to his imagination. I wanted him to know what I could do, just in case he thought of ringing up Daniel Day Lewis," he says with a laugh.

leave up to由某人作决定
例句:At some colleges, the amount of work you will do is left entirely up to you.
在有些大学里, 做多少功课完全由你自己来决定。
ring up打电话
例句:Have you rung up your mother recently?