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1. His calligraphy-mobile is based around a tricycle with a palette similar to those used by the salesmen and waste collectors who trundle around the city's traditional "hutong" alleyways.

similar to与…相似
例句:My problems are very similar to yours.

2. An Apple laptop mounted on the handlebars uses software Hanna designed himself to transform Chinese characters into a series of signals that are sent to electromagnetic valves at the back of the tricycle.

transform into把…转变成…
例句:A tadpole transforms into a frog.

3. From these valves come drops of water which fall on the ground to make characters, or words from any language in fact, as the vehicle moves.

fall on落到, 轮到
例句:His eyes fell on a curious object.

4. So the idea for this project comes from when I first arrived in Beijing and I started going to the parks here.

come from源自
例句:Knowledge comes from practice.

5. Beijing residents are familiar with water calligraphy, but have never seen anything like the tricycle before.

be familiar with熟悉
例句:I am not very familiar with European history.

6. Twenty-six-year-old Zhang Xinzhe was distracted by the machine as she passed through the area, which is popular with tourists.

pass through经过, 通过
例句:A diameter passes through the center of a circle.
be popular with受…欢迎
例句:These artistic handicrafts are very popular with foreign friends.

7. The art is temporary. Like those written by the elderly men in the park, Hanna's characters only live for a few brief moments before drying up and disappearing.

dry up (使…)干涸
例句:The ground dried up quickly after the rain.

8. But the image of one foreigner and his outlandish machine rolling down the alleyways is unlikely to fade from the minds of all those who see it.

roll down滚下
例句:She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face.