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1. They include a ceiling on tariff levels governments can impose on various imported goods and another dealing with the protection of intellectual property.

impose on把…加于
例句:Heavy duties are imposed on imports.

2. In addition to accepting all the WTO rules, a country then has to settle bilateral trade agreements with all the countries that so desire.

in addition to除…之外,还……
例句:In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.

3. And finally, a country has to change many of its economic and trade laws to make them conform to international standards.

conform to符合,遵照
例句:The building does not conform to safety regulations.

4. And Russia was willing to put off its accession in order to ensure that the package of obligations it eventually accepts is as light as possible.

put off延期,推迟;拖延; 使分心; 阻碍
例句:They decided to put the meeting off until after Christmas.
in order to为了
例句:We started early in order to arrive before dark.

5. They have an exceedingly forceful negotiating style that tends to wear down other delegations.

tend to有...的倾向
例句:Modern furniture design tends to simplicity.
wear down磨损,损耗,使疲劳,使厌烦,克服
例句:Looking after a high-spirited child can soon wear a person down.

6. Anders Aslund says Georgia's opposition to Moscow's bid has to do with customs procedures between Russia and the two separatist regions.

do with与…有关; 处理;对待
例句:I'm interested in anything to do with music.

7. David Christy says the real issue is that Russia is treating the breakaway regions as being completely separate from Georgia - which is strongly opposed by Tbilisi.

separate from区别; 分开
例句:After twelve years, he decided to separate from the firm.

8. Whereas from Georgia's view, as soon as it crosses out of Russia, it's in Georgia as a matter of international law, even if Georgia doesn't fully control that territory.

cross out勾掉, 划掉
例句:He crossed out three wrong words.