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收藏者喜好更不同 纽扣与酒瓶也是藏品



1. On an Internet website by that name, he shows photos and tells little stories about the many, many things he hangs onto.

hang onto紧紧抓住, 不放弃
例句:The child hung onto the rail like grim death.

2. Menus from Chinese restaurants, for instance.

for instance例如, 比如
例句:You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
她这人靠不住, 例如昨天一个重要会议, 她迟到了一个小时。

3. Speaking of toothpicks, there are entire organizations of collectors, including the Toothpick Holder Collectors Society, 700 members strong.

speak of谈到, 讲到
例句:They spoke of the old days on the campus.

4. So when they pass on to that great knickknack cabinet in the sky, their precious assortment of teacups could end up in the garbage, a street sale, or at an auction site on the Internet.

pass on传递; 传授
例句:The story is passed on from generation to generation in the village.
end up结束; 最终成为〔变得〕
例句:They all ended up puzzled.

5. Collectors’ club members keep in touch, even checking on each other’s health.

keep in touch保持联络
例句:We now keep in touch with him by writing letters.
check on查对, 核实, 检查
例句:Father went to have the doctor check on his health.

6. If the unfortunate happens, a member passes away, and the family has no interest in his or her ivory needles or miniature buses or vacuum cleaners, the clubs ensure that someone will eagerly step forward to save the collection from the trash heap.

pass away去世
例句:He passed away peacefully.
step forward站出来
例句:The police have asked for witnesses of the accident to step forward to help with enquiries.
警察让事件的目击者站出来, 为调查者提供帮助。