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1. In marking World Diabetes Day this week, the World Health Organization focused attention on India and other developing countries that bear the brunt of the global diabetes epidemic - even as new research offers hope that a cure for the most common form of the disease - Type 2 diabetes - might not be far off.

focus on集中于,致力于
例句:He focused his mind on his lessons.
bear the brunt of首当其冲
例句:I had to bear the brunt of his anger.
他发脾气时, 我是首当其冲。

2. Many public monuments in New Delhi were illuminated with blue lights on Monday to mark World Diabetes Day.

illuminate with以…照明…
例句:We illuminate the enemy plane with searchlights in order to shoot at it.

3. “The bottom line is, NMN has remarkable effects on Type 2 diabetes, at  least in mice,” said Professor Shin-ichiro Imai.

bottom line结果; 基本意思(或情况),概要
例句:The bottom line, however, is that he has escaped.
have an effect on对…有影响;对…起作用,产生效果
例句:Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body.

4. We fed mice a high-fat diet where 40 percent of the calories came from fat - a fatty, nasty diet which the mice liked and eventually they came up (down) with serious Type 2 diabetes.

come down患病, 病倒
例句:He came down with pneumonia last week.
上星期, 他得肺炎病倒了。

5. The study shows that aging and eating a high-fat diet reduce production of NMN in the body, leading to abnormal metabolic conditions - including diabetes.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

6. The researchers are collaborating with a Japanese company to come up with a grade of the compound that can be used in human trials.

come up with (针对问题等)想出;提供
例句:He could not come up with a proper answer.