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1. But its citizens are working on a grassroots strategy to rejuvenate their city with urban farming.

work on致力于…
例句:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.
近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。

2. Urban farms and gardens are popping up all over the city.

pop up突然出现
例句:Your name has popped up from time to time in the papers.

3. Volunteers plant the farm together and in return get a discount on produce.

in return作为报答
例句:What did you give him in return?

4. "One of the things we can do by doing this, by having people who don't farm, who don't have gardens in the back yard, have them come out here and see how easy it is to plant whatever it is that's planted," she added.

come out 出来
例句:Come out and get some fresh air.

5. Local residents help out at the farm and that's important for the area, says Kwamena Mensah, D-Town's manager.

help out帮助, 帮助…出来
例句:Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.

6. "When there is a community project going on, then the kids, they feel a sense of ownership," said Mensah.

go on 进行
例句:We could hardly have gone on without your help.
要是没有您的帮助, 我们很难取得进展。

7. They will look out if people just dump tires and stuff in the garden .

look out小心,当心,留神
例句:Tell the children to look out when they cross the main street.

8. "They are really focused not necessarily on production, but on [there] being a space in which folks can grow food for their families and themselves," said Crouch.

focus on集中于,把…作为兴趣中心
例句:The show focuses on making fun of politicians.