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1. “In this experiment, I think it might be confusing to the kids that we’re dealing with two masses,” said Weiss to Tenyke, in advance of the class.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:Be careful. She is very difficult to deal with.
可得当心, 她很难对付。
in advance of在…之前, 超过
例句:British Summer Time is one hour in advance of Greenwich Mean Time.

2. Today’s experiment demonstrates the principles of motion and involves string and cars made of paper.

make of用…做成
例句:The table is made of wood.

3. “In elementary school, for the most part, your regular classroom teacher is responsible for teaching science, along with reading and math, and if they don’t have a strong science background, just by nature, they’re going to tend to under-represent science in the curriculum,” said Weiss.

for the most part多半; 就绝大部分而言
例句:Summers in the south of France are for the most part dry and sunny.
be responsible for为…负责,形成…的原因
例句:She is responsible for sales promotion
tend to趋向
例句:Modern furniture design tends to simplicity.

4. I’ll spit out information I learned in the book, or things that are part of the curriculum.

spit out愤怒地说
例句:He spat out angry words at his tormentors.

5. Dave helps me learn how to supplement that information so that it’s more relevant to them, so that it will be more relevant to their work experience later on in life

relevant to与…有关的
例句:I don't think his remarks are relevant to our discussion.

6. But he is optimistic American students will catch up.

catch up追上, 赶上
例句:You just go ahead and I'll catch up later.
你先走一步, 我随后赶来。

7. “In elementary school I just try to give them a solid foundation. I hope they’ll develop a curiosity about what’s going on around them,” said Weiss.

go on发生
例句:Tell me what's going on over there!