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1. This week, Somali government officials agreed to begin taking steps to end the recruitment of child soldiers.

take steps采取措施
例句:They took steps to prevent the spread of influenza.

2. What we agreed on was…that there would be focal points in the government that will work on the issue of children in armed conflict.

work on致力于…
例句:He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.
近一年多来, 他一直在写一部新小说。

3. And that the TFG will enter into an action plan with the United Nations to release children that are in their ranks.

enter into参与; 开始
例句:We should enter into public life.

4. She said al Shabab recruits on the community level by extorting, threatening or intimidating families to turn their children over to them.

turn over移交; 交给
例句:Luckily, my watch was turned over to the property office.
很幸运, 有人把我的表交到了失物招领处。

5. Coomaraswamy described her visit to the camp as depressing.

描述为describe as
例句:I should describe the attempt as a failure.

6. He was about 11 at most or 12. And he had gone through full training, taken part in combat, shot in the leg.

go through遭受, 经受, 经历
例句:The country has gone through too many wars.
take part in参加…, 参与…活动
John takes part in many school activities.

7. Despite that, Coomaraswamy believes that with enough effort, the use of children soldiers can be brought to an end within 25 years.

bring to an end使结束
例句:This great victory brought the war to an end.