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1. You An Hospital in Beijing is China's first medical institution to receive and treat people with AIDS. It has outpatient and hospitalization services for HIV/AIDS patients and a national-level laboratory dedicated to AIDS research and finding a cure for the disease.

dedicate to献(身)于…; 把(时间、精力等)用于…
例句:He dedicated his life to the cause of education.

2. Dr. Wu Hao, head of the hospital's Department of Infectious Diseases, says thanks to government support, more AIDS patients now get access to timely and proper treatment.

thanks to幸亏, 多亏, 由于
例句:Thanks to your help, we were successful.
由于你的帮助, 我们得以成功。

3. China's AIDS outbreak entered its first peak in the mid-1990s, largely due to unsafe blood sales.

due to由于,因为
例句:Her absence is due to illness.

4. Dr. Wu says although the growth rate of new cases has slowed in recent years, the epidemic is still on the rise.

on the rise在上涨[增长]
例句:The prices are on the rise.

5. The taskforce consists of medical workers, HIV/AIDS patients and volunteers.

consist of由…组成,由...构成
例句:The entire world consists of matter.

6. Dr. Wu says like other chronic diseases, AIDS is an illness that a patient has to live with for his entire life.

live with学会去适应; 接受并忍受; 与…一起生活; 与(异性)同居
例句:Whether you like it or not, you will have to live with the new tax law.
不管你喜欢与否, 你得接受新税法。