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1. Now, the World Health Organization has weighed in on the issue.

weigh in发表评论,施加影响
例句:A few big wigs have taken time out of their busy schedules to weigh in on the device.

2. The WHO said it is deeply concerned about the potential consequences of the research that can make H5N1 more contagious among humans.

concern about使(自己)关心…
例句:There is no need for you to concern yourself about where I was last night.

3. What are the right procedures and processes that need to be in place?

in place在对的位置, 在适当的位置; 适当的, 适合的; 在工作;准备就绪
例句:The proposal is not quite in place.

4. When you add the fact you’re dealing with the H5N1 virus, which is one of the most dangerous viruses around, then it adds that extra bit of fire to the discussion.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:He must deal with many difficulties.

5. But this one stands out because in addition to infecting birds, it also has the ability to infect a wide range of mammals, including humans.

stand out突出; 显眼, 引人注目, 脱颖而出
例句:The bold print stands out very well.
in addition to除…之外,还……
例句:In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.

6. Fukuda described H5N1 as raising the biggest concern about causing a pandemic.

describe as描述为
例句:I should describe the attempt as a failure.

7. While this particular situation is focusing a lot of attention on the risks of bioterrorism, dual use technology and those kinds of questions, which are important, we also want to make sure that we all take a balanced approach to this.

focus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意
例句:Many firms are focusing on increasing their markets overseas.

8. Some developing nations lost out because the vaccines or drugs were too expensive.

lose out损失; 失败
例句:He didn't want to lose out to the other salesmen.

9. The WHO assistant director-general said such guidelines should be applied to research involving the new H5N1 strain.

apply to运用
例句:Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial and agricultural production methods.