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1. Katherine Heigl plays Stephanie Plum in the first film based on the popular mystery novels by author Janet Evanovich.

base on使建立在…基础上,立足
例句:Action should be based on solid facts.

2. Plum is out of work, laid off from her department store job and back in the Trenton, New Jersey working class neighborhood where she grew up.

lay off暂时解雇,裁员
例句:The factory has laid off workers because of the drop in sales.
grow up长大, 成熟
例句:Tom wants to be a coach when he grows up.

3. That's the formal title for a "bounty hunter," who tracks down and apprehends suspects who've been released on bail, but have failed to show up for a court appearance or "jumped bail."

track down追捕到, 追查出
例句:The criminal was tracked down and knocked off by the police.
show up到场, 出席,如约赶到,出现,露面
例句:He showed up when we least expected him.
我们根本没有料到, 他竟然来了。

4. Stephanie sets out to bring in her man, actually the guy she dated for a while in high school who is now a fugitive.

set out着手, 开始
例句:The government has set out to make many needed reforms.

5. Katherine Heigl, known for her role on the TV medical drama Grey's Anatomy and for numerous romantic comedies, dyed her blonde hair brunette and adopted an edgy "Jersey girl" attitude to play Stephanie.

know for知道, 认识, 以…而出名
例句:It is well known for its lead mines.

6. She's a decent person with a big heart, and she is sort of fearless and courageous and perpetually puts herself in situations where she is just in over her head, but doesn't take herself or other people very seriously.

put in使处于某种状态
例句:The surprise attack put me in a fix.

7. She has this great perspective on life that happens to really funny and witty and charming as well.

happen to发生在…身上; 碰巧
例句:An odd thing happened to him this morning.

8. "It was so important to me to keep the film really close to the book because that's what I fell in love with and that's what millions of people have fallen in love with in the One For The Money Stephanie Plum series," explains Heigl.

fall in love with爱上
例句:He has fallen in love with Mary.

9. One For The Money could be expected to appeal mainly to female audiences, but Heigl thinks it reaches across gender lines

appeal to对…有吸引力
例句:This job rather appeals to me.