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1. So the researchers decided to examine the location of those breeding ponds in relation to the most infected villages.

in relation to与…有关
例句:The project was outlined with relation to available funds.

2. In this study what we did is we looked at the locations of aquatic habitats and the locations of humans and we were trying to find out if there was some kind of clustering, which there should be and of course there was.

find out发现, 看穿, 揭发, 找出;查明
例句:We must find out the truth of the matter.

3. She says scientists compared the malaria case data with the proximity of stagnant water pools.

compare with (把…)与…相比
例句:Compared with him, I am a bungler.

4. We sampled these mosquitos and identified them as the mosquito species that is responsible for malaria transmission in the area.

be responsible for为…负责,形成…的原因
例句:The bad weather is responsible for the small attendance.

5. The applicability of the outcome of these results will be extremely dependent on the local conditions and the mosquitos that are common in that local environment so that control measures are tailored for the local epidemiological situation.

dependent on依靠…,由…决定
例句:The country is dependent on foreign aid.

6. So, Midega says, prevention strategies will depend on where you live, as some 30 to 40 different mosquito species transmit malaria.

depend on随…而定
例句:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather.

7. In fact, the mosquito-borne parasitic disease strikes some 250 million people every year, and results in nearly one million deaths, largely in sub-Saharan Africa.

result in导致,结果是
例句:The quarrel resulted in his mother leaving the house.