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1. The controversial clip showing drivers refusing giving way to the fire engine became headline news in many media outlets as well as a hot topic among the public.

give way to让路,让步
例句:They had to give way to superior forces.

2. For instance, if only one car rushes ahead of the fire engine, you can just give the driver a ticket, but what if all the cars in front of the fire engine won't give way, should the police give all of them ticket?

ahead of在…之前
例句:She left one day ahead of him.

3. I may give way to the fire engine, but those who won't do it, I guess their excuse is 'I am in a hurry too.

in a hurry急切, 赶紧
例句:I'm in a hurry for school.

4. I'll make the best use of every opportunity'.

make the best of充分利用
例句:We must make the best of the few natural resources we have.

5. However, the fire fighters usually don't have enough time to deal with some drivers' improper behavior, and no specific implementation procedure is another reason for the behaviour shown on the video clip.

deal with与...交涉,交易;应付;处理
例句:He has learnt to deal properly with all kinds of complicated situations.