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1. At the forum, one particular initiative, referred to as the "spring sprout nutrition project", sponsored jointly by the China National Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth and the Amway Charity Foundation, is widely believed to be one of the nation's model projects for improving the food situation of those children who are left behind by migrant worker parents in the poverty-stricken countryside of central and western parts of the country.

refer to as被称为, 被认为
例句:I always refer to him as a bookworm.
leave behind忘带, 留下; 丢弃
例句:He left his wife and children behind.

2. As part of the project, hundreds of well-equipped school kitchens have been built, with kitchen managers and professionals providing students with safe and nutritional food.

provide with给…提供;以…装备
例句:Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.

3. Through the management and operation of such kitchens, particularly in relation to the establishment of relevant rules, a specific model for managing school dining halls will be established which will effectively prevent students from having to consume inferior-quality food or even worse, suffer from food poisoning.

in relation to与…有关
例句:The project was outlined with relation to available funds.
prevent from阻止, 防止
例句:His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.
suffer from因(疾病)而痛或不舒服;因...而更糟;受...之苦
例句:She often suffers from headaches.

4. Since the project was launched in June last year, a total of 300 kitchens have been built in boarding schools located in relatively impoverished areas within Chongqing municipality, the provinces of Shaanxi, Hebei, Hubei and Anhui, and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

locate in在某一点设置
例句:The building is located in a business center.

5. According to Lin Wei, an official with the Shaanxi provincial level committee for the wellbeing of the youth, around 43,000 students from 95 schools located across six impoverished counties have benefited from the project so far.

benefit from通过…获益
例句:He thought he would benefit from going to school.

6. The school had been flooded before the aid project was carried out, and the school kitchen had been destroyed as a result.

carry out执行; 贯彻
例句:He carried out the plan in very detail.

7. At this crucial moment, as the school came under immense strain, the Amway Charity Foundation helped build a new kitchen for the school and donated all the necessary kitchen facilities, enabling the children to enjoy a rich variety of food choices.

come under遭受
例句:They came under heavy enemy gunfire.

8. He is excited about the changes that have taken place following the construction of a new kitchen in his school.

take place发生; 举行
例句:The threatening strike did not take place after all.

9. It's more convenient now, as we have a kitchen on the campus, and we are more than satisfied with the quality of meals provided to us.

be satisfied with对…感到满意
例句:Such a most talented person as he shouldn't be satisfied with what he is.