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Media reports say that 20 percent of young women who have premarital sex become pregnant and 90 percent of them turn to abortion to end the unplanned pregnancy.

Fan Guangsheng, a doctor at Peking Union Medical College Hospital says China's abortion rate has risen in recent years.

"Repeat abortions are especially on the rise. The reason is that many people lack knowledge of contraception methods, and some of them failed to take an appropriate measure to prevent conception. In addition, the age of sexual maturity for people is earlier nowadays and they usually get married later than before. Therefore, the possibility of premarital sex is raised, and the greater possibility of unplanned pregnancies along with it."

China Abortion Rate High

Another expert adds that most young people in China haven't received adequate sex education and lack knowledge of contraception. Here is Qiao Jie, head of Peking University Third Hospital.

"Some young women mistakenly take the emergency contraception pills as the normal way of contraception. But these pills can also bring strong uterine contractions, thus bringing a high risk of uterine disease, the high possibility of infertility or a pregnancy that occurs outside the womb."

Nowadays advertisements about painless induced abortion are a common sight. Every one of them claims abortion surgery is safe, painless and without side effects.

However, Doctor Fan Guangsheng points out the painless abortion surgery uses intravenous anesthesia. Although it may greatly relieve pain during an abortion, it doesn't mean the abortions are harmless to women's health.

"I can tell you directly that these advertisements tell a lie. They often exaggerate. You can even say they are fraudulent."

Due to stress at work, many women nowadays choose to have a baby later than usual. Therefore, for an unplanned pregnancy, they tend to have an abortion. However, expert Qiao Jie from the Peking University Third Hospital says don't mistakenly believe that an abortion is no big deal.

"As for a painless induced abortion, people often suppose it is painless. That's because they are unconscious while the abortion is done. However, the painless abortion also carries a high possibility of breaking the lining of the uterus."

In addition, doctors say all anesthesias come with risks, for example, breathing difficulties and drug allergies. Statistics show among women who are infertile, 88 percent had received induced abortions.
For CRI, I am Zhang Wan.