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After Russia's accession to the WTO, it will cut import tariff to 22 percent on average, which is expected to make the country's less-competitive sectors, including agriculture, auto and light industry, more exposed to international competition.

As a result, Russia's entry to the WTO is met with strong opposition among the public.

"We demand the government rescind the decision to be a WTO member. It is an unrealistic decision because it will bring a heavy blow to the country."

Mixed <a href=http://www.hxen.net/englishlistening/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>voice</a> in Russia towards its Entry to WTO

Protesters say Russian products are not competitive globally due to their high cost, and joining the WTO will only benefit the European and American countries.

Russian economist Nikolai Radaev says such concerns are reasonable. Russia's agricultural industry will suffer more risks, especially after three consecutive years of extreme weather.

But Radaev says this is a route Russia must take to integrate into the world economy.

"It is important for us to realize that we should participate in global competition by joining the organization. We have no other choice to pursue development. We are ready to work within the WTO framework, and we have competitive technologies and equipment which are from all over the world. If we increase our efficiency and productivity there won't be any extraordinary impact."

Last month, both Russia's lower house and upper chamber of parliament ratified the agreement on WTO membership.

Deputy head of the State Duma Sergey Releznyak explains why they approved the decision.

"We believe being part of the WTO is a huge opportunity for our country. It will help us develop the economy, get wider access to the global market and boost our exports. Russia will also participate in more cross-border projects. All of these will make the Russian economy more flexible, civilized and modern. We are also able to take advantage of our potential on this platform."

The World Bank estimates Russia's GDP growth could be 3 percent over the medium term and as much as 11 percent in the long term after joining the WTO.

How to mitigate the losses from WTO entry by benefitting from a freer access to global markets will be a great challenge for the Putin administration.

For CRI, this is Li Jing.